No need to waste any time on annoying telemarketing calls with the Zenith ZEP100 EZ Hang-Up. The ZEP100 easily connects to most phones via a standard phone jack. The device plays a prerecorded message twice, then disconnects the line. Just pick up, determine you want the call cut off, then press the button. It also works with caller ID service from your local phone company to automatically cut off calls you wish to block.

Você aperta um botão e o seu aparelhinho diz pro telemarqueteiro que você quer seu número retirado da lista. Quero ver o sujeito dizendo pra gravação “mas tem certeza, senhóóóra?”…

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I used to be a productive member of society. But recently, I purchased the ZEP100, and now I find myself sitting by the phone day and night, just waiting for a telemarketer to call so I can press that magic button. I haven’t showered, gone to the office, or brushed my teeth in weeks. My only fear is this device may work TOO well, and eventually I will not get any more calls. I hope I will still have a job.