Eu não caibo mais nas roupas que eu cabia,
Eu não encho mais a casa de alegria.

what if I begin feeling in english, what if the curse is lifted, what if everybody who cares can save me from myself, what if the night doesn’t crawl on me, what if the cold suddenly makes everything alright, what if crying actually takes you somewhere, what’s with the love between the cobblestones, what if not belonging is just a way of life, what if ‘loser’ is just one more fad, what if I low carb my friendships, what if I pack up and go, what if I stay little valentine stay, what if you take me with you, what if the dirty laundry takes over the house, what if I just numb the what ifs with sleep? huh? what?

One Reply to “”

  1. Amiga, só vc mesmo pra me fazer perder a preguiça de ler em inglês…

    Eu não sei… What?

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