Diga que não é a nossa cara!

O milésimo post.

“Pelo amor de Deus, minha gente. Agora que todos estão me ouvindo, faço um apelo especial a todos: ajudem as crianças pobres, ajudem os desamparados. É meu único apelo nesta hora especial para mim”


Cadê o meu gmail que tava aqui?

Little trooper is going crazy.

Mas não se preocupem. Devem ser os sete anos do sábio chinês.

To You

LET us twain walk aside from the rest;

Now we are together privately, do you discard ceremony,

Come! vouchsafe to me what has yet been vouchsafed to none?Tell me the whole story,

Tell me what you would not tell your brother, wife, husband, or physician.

To You

STRANGER! if you, passing, meet me, and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me?

And why should I not speak to you?

That Lucky Old Sun

Up in the mornin’

Out on the job

Work like the devil for my pay

But that lucky old sun got nothin’ to do

But roll around heaven all day.

Fuss with my woman, toil for my kids

Sweat till I’m wrinkled and gray

While that lucky old sun got nothin’ to do

But roll around heaven all day

Dear Lord above, can’t you know I’m pining, tears all in my eyes

Send down that cloud with a silver lining, lift me to Paradise

Show me that river, take me across

Wash all my troubles away

Like that lucky old sun, give me nothing to do

But roll around heaven all day

Send down that cloud with a silver lining, lift me to Paradise

Show me that river, take me across

Wash all my troubles away

Like that lucky old sun, give me nothing to do

But roll around heaven all day

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